Mind The List [David’s blog on saturday morning smack-dab.]

Today is one of those days. There’s not much I can add to illuminate the wisdom of the comic strip. Rest easy knowing that my brain is putty and I am off to take a nap. Somehow, “nap” floated to the tippy-top of the we-do list and I always do what’s on the list.

read Kerri’s blogpost about HELLUVA WEEK

like it. share it. support it. comment on it. then take a nice rest. we will, too.

smack-dab © 2023 kerrianddavid.com

buymeacoffee is an online “tip jar” providing well deserved nap opportunities for the artists you value and who are beginning to look haggard.

4 Responses

  1. […] read DAVID’S thoughts this SATURDAY MORNING […]

  2. When I was child (physically), I LOVED Saturday mornings! No school and then sleeping in. Yeah, Saturday!

    • I love Saturday’s for the same reason now. No school. Sleeping in. Oh, yah!

      • Never Frisbee.
        Threw a half slice of wheat bread (frisbee-style) for a rabbit to munch on in the cold. It struck the poor creature. It moved away a few feet, but minutes later ate it all down.
        I never was good at tossing frisbees. Learned a valuable lesson yesterday.
        Brenda and I would like to know how cold it is living next to a Great Lake? It has been in the teens here. Take ‘er easy!

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