Walk Away [on saturday morning smack-dab.]

In the department of home repair I am mostly known for making things worse. I YouTube solutions and follow procedures. Occasionally I bumble into a triumphant fix but mostly I utter the words, “I think I broke it.”

Kerri, on the other hand, has the savvy. She springs into fix-it mode. And, she knows when NOT to spring into fix-it mode. She knows the line not to cross.

I lack the line so I rely on her to tell me when to stop, when to walk away. Since this particular cartoon happened yesterday, I’ll leave you with a bonus question: Before walking away, did I or did I not crack the sink? Hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmnnnnn?

read Kerri’s blogpost about THE SINK

smack-dab. © 2023 kerrianddavid.com

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3 Responses

  1. […] read DAVID’s thoughts this SATURDAY MORNING […]

  2. Plumbers and other professional home repair persons are in great demand. Especially way out here in the boonies. Hence, as per our old age infirmities, we will be moving to the city in perhaps two more years. And yes David, just like me, you broke the sink!

  3. It’s good to know that I am not alone in my home deterioration campaign;-)

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