Resist But Not For Long [David’s blog on saturday morning smack-dab]

We love to cook. We love food. We enjoy trying new recipes. We delight when we cook one of our favorite old standards. A day does not pass on the metaphoric trail that Kerri does not look at me and say, “I’m hungry. You hungry?” There’s no time for verbs when food calls.

There are a few dietary restrictions in our house so we have evolved into healthy-ish eaters. Yet, there’s another reason that we don’t keep too many sweet things in the house. I will eat them. All of them. If you want to get secret information from me, all you need do is strap me down and put a piece of flourless chocolate cake just out of reach. I’ll pretend to resist, but not for long.

So, what do you want to know…

read Kerri’s blogpost about DESSERT!!!!

like it. try it. support it. share it. comment on it. have another bite. we love it all.

buymeacoffee is like a “tip jar” supporting the superfood necessary to support the continued creation of brownies and doughnuts from the artist you value.