Let It Run [David’s blog on DR Thursday]

Following the heavy rains, the mushrooms appeared. They came in all shapes and sizes with colors ranging across the spectrum, yellows and reds, taupe and black.

There’s something other-worldly about the mushrooms. They seem like alien creatures. Like cicadas, living deep in the soil until one auspicious day, when the conditions are just right or their inner imperative whispers, “Now,” they step into the moist air, appearing as if from nowhere.

Some look like a colony of creatures on the march. Some look like gnome condos. Some take impossible architectural shapes, sound receivers listening to the pulse of deep space. Some form a perfect circle, a commons of strange beings.

Mysterious and intelligent, ancient and earthy, they appear magically and disappear just as mysteriously. Fungi,”…genetically more closely related to animals than plants.”

“What is that?” she exclaimed, pointing at the huge orb reaching above the grasses. “It’s a mushroom,” she gasped. “Can you believe it?”

Imagination runs wild.

Earth Interrupted III, 48x36IN, mixed media

read Kerri’s blogpost about MUSHROOMS

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3 Responses

  1. COOL!

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