Tuck It In [David’s blog on Merely A Thought Monday]

We open the garage, push the VW Bug out into the sunlight for its annual washing. It’s a yearly ritual. After cleaning the garage and scrubbing the Bug, we push it back into the garage and cover it like a sacred object (it is).

This was Kerri’s first car. Her parents bought it when they vacationed in Europe in the 70’s. They shipped it back to the states. After a time, they “sold” it to her. It was light blue then. Now, it is titanium white.

It hasn’t run in the decade that I’ve lived here but that is of no matter. It is filled with stories. It is filled with connection to her parents. She’s walked up to line a few times, thinking she should sell it to someone who’ll fix it up, get it running again. She steps back from the line, “Not yet. Not yet.” After all, it’s not simply a car that she’d be selling.

“Maybe I should take pictures of it, make it into a Shutterfly book. Then I’d have the memories,” she says, suds to her elbows, as she gives the VW Bug its yearly bath. This, too, is part of the ritual. Imagining it gone. Imagining letting it go.

“That’s a good idea,” I say, playing my part in the ritual.

She climbs in the driver’s seat, releases the brake. “Okay!” she says and waves to me. I put my shoulder into it and push the Bug back into the garage. Her connection to her mom and dad, their stories, her stories, safely tucked in for another year.

read Kerri’s blogpost on THE BUG

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4 Responses

  1. […] read DAVID’S thoughts this MERELY-A-THOUGHT MONDAY […]

  2. Coincidence. Hauled our first riding lawnmower to the landfill outside Edgemont, SD today. Had it for 10 years. As I drove up to be checked in by Dennis the caretaker, I decided to do my best Mr. Haney impression: “Have I got a deal for you!” Instead of delivering the mower to its eternal grave, I offered it to Dennis. Dennis and I unloaded it at his shop at the landfill, and it started right up. Saying goodbye to the old girl, who now got a new home mowing the weeds around that shop. Quite the good VW if I do say so myself – and I am unanimous in that! -Cris

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